
Posts Tagged ‘Book of Hebrews’

Working Woman’s Wednesday: Patience = Virtue

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Yours Truly on 10/28/2015 at 03:33

Dr. Grassi cites scripture in sustaining patience:

  1. Romans 8:28 ~ GOD works for the good of those who ♥love♥ Him 
  2. Genesis 12:2, 7; Hebrews 6:15 ~ Abraham receiving the ☼promise☼ later in life
  3. 1 Thessalonians 5:14; Galatians 6:10 ~ Paul advising patience with other †faithful† people

I read his testament on patience yesterday, which was wonderful timing because it was just what I needed in multiple aspects of my life:

  1. getting through my dissertation defenses
  2. seeking a career advancement
  3. dealing with difficult people

Before I read his passage, I realized how patience helped me through those obstacles mentioned above:

  1. I received encouragement from my professors
  2. I received my latest teaching assignment
  3. I received a fresh perspective on someone

These were reasons to thank GOD!

When I went through my Confirmation classes, I sought patience as a virtue and still continue pursuing it through all aspects of my life. We live in a world of

  • instant gratification
  • sense of urgency

Yet …

If we patiently wait, we’ll have more reason to ☼celebrate.

As we commonly say, and I first heard from my eighth grade math teacher:

Good things come to those who wait, for they will be ☼rewarded☼ ten-fold.

Plus, as my buddy, Big D has mentioned:

Anticipation creates ☼excitement.

Spiritual Sources