
Archive for December, 2013|Monthly archive page

Wrapping Up the 2013 Scene

In ♥ & Soul, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Technology, Travel, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Yours Truly on 12/26/2013 at 21:34

Merry CHRISTmas and Happy Hanukkah that kicked off yesterday!


Merry TEX-mas, Peace & Joy to Y’all & my Dallas Mavericks

My gifts to y’all who I call Team: Dr. D (for my Ph.D.) are links to my last Pretty Fit posts and Rants of the year!

Elaine the MFFL’s Final 3 of 2013

Pretty Fit Elaine’s Thursday Tips 

Now I could make valuable use of this time to work more on my dissertation! Meanwhile, here are my Season’s Greetings for 2013, so enjoy!

Dispo Holiday Greetings

Season’s Greetings!

Dispo Annual Newsletter

2013 in Review

3:33 ~ make a wish!!! 

‘Tis the Season of GIVING

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Technology, Travel, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Yours Truly on 12/19/2013 at 05:16

Merry One Week Until CHRISTmas, Everybody! May GOD Bless Us Everyone!

In the spirit of this ADVENT Season, when we prepare for the birth of JESUS, who gave EVERYTHING, including His own life, let us remember the Reason for the Season. Let us spread HOLYday cheer by giving.

One way we can give is through generosity to strangers, our neighbors, our fellow man. To honor my sister — who I’m proud to share has graduated with her Master of Science degree in Nursing and now works as a Nurse Practitioner for Psychiatry/Mental Health — on her birthday and my parents on their anniversary, I donated to the Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan relief through the American Red Cross.

Here are my past dozen Dispo Hoop Scoops on the Dallas Mavericks:

Here are my Pretty Fit posts, chockful of Yours Truly’s recipes and workouts:

Tacky Sweater

Tacky Sweater by Adam Levine

Snow Day Cookies

Christmas Cat Cookies by Yours Truly


Pretty Fit E on VDay


Pretty Fit E on NYE

Chili Chilly Day

Crock Pot Chili by Yours Truly

Swirls & Toppings

Fro-Yo YOLO fo’sho’

As we celebrate this Season of Giving, I try not to surrender to the commercialization of CHRISTmas. Since my family and I are grateful for what we already have and won’t exchange gifts this year, I shall share with those who are in need. I started with my Angel Tree child who I chose from church and will continue with my Christian Foundation for Children and Aging sponsored child.

Some of the things that I thank GOD for are His will, grace and guidance, His people ~ including my dear friend and spiritual mentor Bishop Mike who soon will retire, my family whose blood is thicker than water, my bestie Melody who has been with me through thick and thin, my Team Dr. D for my Ph.D. ~ His creatures who are my loves ~ especially my Double A-Team ~ and great opportunities, such as hearing His calling for me to proclaim His word at Mass. For my sis and her hubby, both Mr. & Mrs. Cooley graduated from The University of Texas at Arlington this past weekend, and I could not have been prouder of Joanne’s MSN (UTA’s College of Nursing had the most thorough Graduation Commencement that I’ve ever attended — I was extremely impressed that each of the graduates’ dissertation, thesis or honors research titles and/or jobs were called out, along with their names, as they walked across the stage) and her husband/my “bro” Ryan’s Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science/KinesiologySumma Cum Laude (“with highest honors”).

As we wrap up 2013 ~ which I did deem as the Year to Follow Our Dreams ~ I pursue 2014 ~ which I call the Year of Courting ~ as the time to come closer to completing my doctoral degree at Our Lady of the Lake University. During my prayers about progressing through my dissertation, I listened to GOD’s message to me about making a difference in my research. Bearing in mind that my study is about coaching, I indeed hope that I somehow can change how coaches influence their players: not necessarily to just seek winning in their sports, but being champions as people.

11:11 ~ make a wish!!! 

It’s Been Blessed!

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Technology, Travel, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Yours Truly on 12/11/2013 at 17:11

The CHRISTmas Countdown is here, as the New Year draws near, so it’s time to CHEER!

I’m delighted to report that my dissertation committee blessed my Concept Proposal! We had our first conference call altogether yesterday for this information session about my study. Now all I can do from here is move forward, and as graduates of my program have said: ONWARD

My research is about the influence of college coaches‘ leadership on their student-athletes’ satisfaction, athletic and academic performance. Some of my inspirations include winning basketball coaches Coach K, Pat Summitt, and Phil Jackson. Here’s to Team: Dr. D in Mission: Ph.D.




Here are my freshest fine 9 Dispo Hoop Scoops:

The MFFL’s Rants (since I was stuck at home during the Snow Days, I was able to crank out these babies)

*Friendly Reminder: Please vote for the NBA All-Stars*

11:11 ~ make a wish!!! 

†R.I.P., Nelson Mandela†

GOD, Family & Football

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Technology, Travel, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Yours Truly on 12/05/2013 at 19:11

Happy Advent Season!

As we prepare for JESUS‘ birth, I reflect on THANKSgiving and all of the blessings for which I’m grateful.

One week ago today, many of us around the world celebrated Turkey Day in the spirit of The Best Man Holiday movie theme: GOD, Family and Football.

GOD: First thing that morning, I went to the Adoration Chapel at church because I have my Adoration Hour commitment every Thursday, and I spent extra time there while fellow adorers were out of town for the holyday.
Family: When I got home, I took my CHRISTmas card photos with my Double A-Team and made my festive dessert: Cranberry Walnut Cream Cheese Pie. My best friend, Melody ~ who is like a sister to me ~ and I spent this Day of Thanks with both sides of our families: I went to her parents’ for lunch, and she, her hubby and their children joined my family and me at my parents’ house.
Football: A Thanksgiving wouldn’t be complete without the traditional Dallas Cowboys game, so we most definitely were THANKful for their victory over the Oakland Raiders!

Here are more of my cheers and toasts of gratitude:

Day 27: I’m THANKful for the #gift of #sight! We who can see, or @ least need corrective #lenses, cannot take this for granted… Although I don’t like to get pics taken w/my #glasses👓 all the time (blame it on the vanity – say it a’int so), I absolutely need them to get around (case in point: last night @ my BFF’s parents’ when I lost track of them while posing for photos). Some of y’all know what I’m talking about that they’re a necessity, an essential, right Tita Tina Gunn? Plus, since I like specific brands, I usually find designer frames for my #specs😎
I’m also THANKful for my good friend & #spiritual #mentor, Bishop Mike, who officiated my #Catholic #Sacraments of First #Communion & #Confirmation + who writes📜 (I’m talking snail mail📬 – not just email📥) me on a regular basis as my main pen✒️ pal!

I’m also THANKful for the children to whom I’m giving this #CHRISTmas because I love kids. Since my family & I – in light of #Typhoon️ #Haiyan / #Yolanda in our native #Philippines – shall sustain our #gratitude & not exchange #gifts this year for once, I’ll focus my #generosity on my #AngelTree child & my #CFCAsponsored child.

Day 28: I’m #THANKful for #GOD #Family #Football especially my #DallasCowboyswho always play on #TurkeyDay! I’ll also #THANK those who know which #filmrefers to #GODFamilyFootball for your #movie knowledge. I #kickoff this#THANKSgiving with my special #AdorationHour + extra time!

I’m THANKful my BFF Sgt. Melody Givan who’s been there for yours truly through the#ThickAndThin + who I’ve been fortunate to celebrate THANKsgiving w/ when we grew up & when I visited her in Georgia! She’s the culinary arts mastermind, & while I didn’t know my way around the kitchen before, she sent me my Crock Pot for#CHRISTmas!

#ThrowbackThursday #TBT: my bestie Mely & I didn’t plan for our Turkey Day getup to match when I flew to her family’s home for the #HOLYday, but#2GreatMindsThinkAlike as we both bought these sweaters from #EXPRESSseparately!

THANKSgiving 2009

*Bearing this in mind, here are the pics of Melody and yours truly from THANKSgiving ’09 (above) and THANKSgiving ’13 (below)* THANKSgiving 2013Girl time was definitely what I needed last week because most of my friends are guys, so I was glad to spend yet another Thanksgiving with Melo until she and her fam drove their beautiful Beamer back to Georgia…

Meanwhile, more blessings for which I’m grateful include my dissertation progress and my career opportunities! Yesterday, I had a conference call with my dissertation chair, who arranged for me to present the concept proposal of my study to my dissertation committee next week! Also, through Rant Sports and Pretty Fit, I like reaching out to fellow sports fans and health buffs!

Here are my first 6 about the Dallas Mavericks this December:

While I write this, we have another snow storm in the forecast. In the holyday spirit, I’m playing Elf (my favorite Christmas movie of all time) and printing my season’s greetings!

Let me wrap up this positive post with more bright notes:

GOD Bless Our Lady of Mount Carmel Academy †
Dispo-Cooley Wedding
♥ Love Always, Jun Bandonill Dispo (Batch 1970) and Family
Jun Dispo, Retired United States Air Force * Estrella Dispo, Retired Registered Nurse * Elaine Dispo, Ph.D. Candidate * Joanne Dispo, Nurse Practitioner * Ryan Cooley, United States Marine Corps Veteran


From left to right: Jacinto Dispo, Lolita Tan Dispo, Joseph del Rosario, Carmelita Dispo del Rosario, Elaine Joyce Dispo, Estrella Reyes Dispo, Christian Joseph del Rosario, Joanne Dispo Cooley, David Ryan Cooley, Jun Bandonill Dispo, Lyndah Baterina Dispo, Manuel Dispo, Madalyn Dispo-Junio, Crystal Gail Dispo

Happy Anniversary to my Parents!!
Dispo Wedding
#ThrowbackThursday #TBT: Happy #Anniversary, Nanay & Dad (yesterday)  

Looking @ my parents’ #wedding album, I admire how they went all out & appreciate the value of their #Catholic #sacrament!

Yet aside from their amazing wedding, they’ve invested #energy & #sacrifice into their decades of #marriage, which is what matters most in the #LongHaul!

Their secret: sharing #time #together, including #timeless #traditions (i.e., Taco Tuesday)

& now they have their Golden Years to enjoy w/each other, so may they stay#blessed with many more to come!

[from L-R: my Aunties Alice Dispo* (my great-aunt/Uncle Bal’s wife) & Dr. Fe Reyes-Dollete** (my aunt/mom’s sister), Mama Eufemia Dispo*** (my paternal grandmother/dad’s mom), Mr. & Mrs. Jun B. Dispo (my parents as #newlyweds), Papa Pedro Dispo*** (my paternal grandfather)]

*Dr. & Mrs. Baltazar Dispo (Uncle Bal is Papa Ped’s baby brother) ~ another excellent example of #commitment in marriage & to the Catholic #faith ~ were my parents’ Principal Sponsors/GODparents/Ninong & Ninang/Padrino y Madrina

**Drs. Rodolfo & Fe Dollete also are #RoleModels as a #married #couple because they keep the spice alive by ballroom dancing & traveling + enjoy #working together 

***Both sets of my grandparents lived long enough to celebrate their#GoldenAnniversary & beyond: my maternal Lolo Tico & Lola Rosa were married for 56 years, + my paternal Papa Ped & Mama Eufemia were married for almost 61 years 

Guess which decade my parents tied the knot ~ the #bridesmaid‘s #bonnet may be an indicator…

1:11 ~ make a wish!!!  

†R.I.P., Paul Walker†