
Workout Wednesday: Fave Fit ‘n’ Fab Gym Gab

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Technology, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Workout Wednesday, Yours Truly on 06/05/2014 at 04:10

Jeans at the gym? Say it ain’t so!

Last Workout Wednesday, I pitched my piece on exercising in denim.

Apparently, bombshell icon Marilyn Monroe was partial to decking herself out in dungarees while lifting weights…

Of course, Norma Jean‘s dead sexy in jeans ~ she could pull off anything!

I came across this article when I picked up this month’s People magazine, hot bod edition, hot off the presses when Evie and I hit Hastings and its Hardback Café after the gym. Originally, I sought the mag to check out Cassey Ho of Blogilates

… And I also was doubly-delighted to see K&K of Tone It Up!


As a matter of fact, I’ve been following them since they were at a six-digit subscriber base before they reached the million mark and started subscribing to the rest of these fitness fanatics’ YouTube channels last summer when I was researching the top exercise videos*

* Wayback Wednesday: My Top5 debut: What Are the Top 5 Workout Videos?

So, if you’ve had a long work week like yours truly, give these vids a shot… For a shot of energy! *BAM* Knock-out fist bump!

Sweaty Selfie: don’t we look fab and fit?

11:11 ~ make a workout wish!!!

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