
Posts Tagged ‘cupcake’

Foodie Friday: Small & Sweet Fortunes

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Foodie Friday, Health, Home Sweet Home, Public Interest, Relationships, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Yours Truly on 07/10/2015 at 17:15

Big things come in small packages.

Starbucks Mini Frappuccino

Mini Frappuccino in the *Starbucks$ Coffee House! S’mores, please!

Life is like a box of chocolates … You never know what you’re gonna get.

~ Forrest Gump (played by Tom Hanks as the title character)


Celebrate everyday!


Live in the ☼moment☼


In any ♣season♣


Cherish yourself ~ YOU’re a treasure! 👑



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Life’s sweeter with ♥loved ones♥ …


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… ♪music♫ …

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… & literature …

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… + chocolate!


Keep the party going!

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And most of all: spread those good vibes!


Sharing = Caring!

Market Street

for my Bestie + yours truly & my family!

Foodie Friday: Classic Cold Remedies

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Foodie Friday, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Technology, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Yours Truly on 03/13/2015 at 10:00

Happy Friday the 13th!

Homecooked Chicken Noodle Soup

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup is where it’s at!

We’re never too old to need our mothers ~ so if they’re still with us, then let’s be grateful!

Cold Combat Remedies

Add freshly-squeezed OJ to the mix for Vitamin C to combat the cold, and I’ve got it made in the shade!

My own ♥Mommy Aya♥ came through for me during my cold that took its toil and my voice this ♣Spring Break♣.

Valley Oranges

These oranges came from my former post in the Rio Grande Valley!

As a retired Registered Nurse after over 4½ decades, my Nanay attended to me for the first time since I was a child!

Nutella Brownies

Chocolate = the perfect cure to cheer me up, in the form of my mom’s Nutella brownies!

I think that my need to be put on bed rest (while my ♥A&A♥ held vigil by my bedside) was †GOD†‘s way of telling me to slow my roll

Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies also are. Always. On. Point.

Despite my week ☼off☼ from teaching and tutoring, I had still been on-the-go in the recent wintry weather with my traveling, researching, reporting and photographing!

Juicer Pitcher

This juicer doubles as a pitcher!

So much for tracking miles on a fun run or hitting the driving range … for now!

Floral Friday: Bouquets, Bows and Arrows

In ♥ & Soul, Beauty Tuesday, Community, Feline Friday, Floral Friday, Foodie Friday, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Yours Truly on 02/13/2015 at 16:30

During this ♥Valentine’s♥ week


Hello Kitty ♥Valentine’s♥ bow handcrafted by mi comadre Mona

I had 2 marriage proposals this past Wednesday alone


My attempt at the hair ♥heart♥ bun {video tutorial}

and a slew of gifts from my †GOD†-sent students then and yesterday!

Hence, the perks of being a single teacher


Bow & Arrow Red Velvet Gluten Free mini cupcakes + ♥Heart♥ Pupcakes

With ♥Valentine’s♥ weekend ahead


Triple-Chocolate for ♥Valentine’s♥ class: Red Velvet Gluten Free mini cupcakes * Chocolate-Covered Oreos * Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries

I look forward to

Red Velvet Cupcake ♥Heart♥

These Red Velvet mini GF cupcakes have found their way to my ♥heart♥

reaping the rewards of my photography and reporting career


Our R.E. ♥VDay♥ party included these Red Velvet Gluten Free mini cupcakes!

by capturing ♥Valentine’s♥ babies on camera mañana


♪Ring around the Rosies♫

and covering Claudie Royalsbirthday banquet this ☼Sunday☼


♫Pocket full of Posies♪

†GOD† has blessed me abundantly


Pay It Forward: My R.E. student Delightful Dani (whose mom asked me to do the readings at her Church wedding) generously gave me this beautiful bouquet ~ so I had to spread the ♥love♥ w/Sweet Annie

by always being by my side


Princess Annie ♥loves♥ them!

and bringing me ♥Valentines♥ who charm, warm, touch and move my ♥heart♥


Sniff, sniff: Annie takes a whiff! Smell the flowers!

After all …


Feng Shui Dragons surround these Philippians 4:4″ alt=”Philippians 4:4″>flowers for ♣Good Luck♣ + blue marbles represent our *Dallas Cowboys*

Take delight in the †LORD†, and he will give you the desires of your ♥heart♥.


These red ♥Valentine’s♥ carnations ☼pair well☼ w/my yellow rose of Texas

  ~ Psalm 37:4

Foodie Friday: Getting Fed in Religious Ed

In Community, Foodie Friday, Health, Home Sweet Home, Public Interest, Relationships, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot on 10/17/2014 at 07:00

F is for …

Faith * Food * Fellowship

Easygoing Evie and I, as *Excited Elaine* enjoy eating after we team-teach our Religious Education second graders every Wednesday. When we celebrate our students’ birthdays, we also are blessed with goodies to go with our lessons about †GOD†!

Sharing is Caring!

Mezamiz Deux Coffee House




Birthday Cupcakes from Sweet Life






Sour Apple Smoothies from Monks





Caramel and Pumpkin from Olive Garden




Birthday Cupcakes and Fruit Snacks




Foodie Friday: Memorial Week

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Foodie Friday, Health, Home Sweet Home, Public Interest, Relationships, Travel, Weekly Wonders, Yours Truly on 05/31/2014 at 00:30

Happy Memorial Week!

This heaping helping of TGIF YOLO is devoted to this week’s feasts and treats!

From la familia

For my mom’s birthday, my sister baked bodacious beet-chocolate cupcakes that can’t be beat!

Birthday Cupcakes

My Mom’s Birthday Cupcakes ~ baked with LOVE from Joanne

After the Journey concert, my sister provided Memorial Day meals that were mmmmmm mmmmmm good!

Memorial Day Breakfast

Who needs Rooty, Tooty, Fresh & Fruity? We got Red, White & Blueberry!

For breakfast, we had berries and waffles, complete with raspberries for red and blueberries.

Memorial Day Lunch

Tribute to my Sister’s Mother-in-Law’s Memory: Tater Tot Casserole! {Jackfruit (yellow) Bubble Tea & Avocado (green) Bubble Tea from Hong Kong Market}

For lunch, Joanne cooked tater tot casserole, a traditional recipe from her late mother-in-law.

Cookie and Cocoa Swirl

Who needs the PB&J time? Cookie Butter & Chocolate‘s my dream Goober!

She also gave me the Ultimate Super Spread: Cookie Butter Cocoa Swirl!

Southwestern Burritoes

Perfect combo of flavors & spices: my Mom’s Southwestern Burritoes!

My mom cooked scrumptious southwestern burritoes that have lasted me all week long!

Southwestern Burritoes

Rice & BeansUp close & personal.

From mi amiga

M&M's Chocolate Bar

Yeah, real healthy after exercise … But I’ve only eaten one-quater at a time!

My friend Evie and I hit Hastings’ Hardback Café yesterday to reward ourselves after our workout!

Jones Soda

Jones Root Beer: Serious Soda with Cute Cat Pic for a good kick!

When I tagged along with her to pick up gaming grub today, she gave me an IBC Cream Soda for my studies!

IBC Soda

IBC Cream Soda to tide me over while I do my homework!

CHEERS to ☼Summer☼ almost here!

IBC meets Jones

Cream Soda + Root Bear = Supernova Soda … All I need is a soft serve scoop for a float to seal the deal!