
Posts Tagged ‘stat’

Workout & Working Woman’s Wednesday: V is for …

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Workout Wednesday, Yours Truly on 11/11/2015 at 22:35

Veterans * Victory * Virtue

Please join yours truly as I salute and pay tribute to

This also is a special Veterans’ Day as I passed my full faculty defense according to GOD’s perfect plan!

While our military heroes engage in rigorous physical training, with PT tests that time:

  • 1½-mi. runs
  • ### push-ups
  • ### sit-ups

I did my share of high impact activity to prepare my energy for this AM’s event …

Just like I’ve connected almonds with energy for my full marathon as an analogy for my multiple regression statistical analyses, I’ve tied in what worked for me on the days I passed my previous rounds:

Here’s my training session from yesterday to work both the lower and upper bod:

2 for Tuesday: Double Whammy beyond the Moons on my Hammy

Simultaneous Moves for 20 reps/set with body weight or light resistance (ankle or wrist wraps, dumb bells or bands)

  • Squats (legs) & Shoulder Raises (delts and traps)
  • T-Bird Dead Lifts (booty) & Rows (back)
  • Extensions 2 Ways ~ Standing (quads) & Overhead (tris)
  • Curls 2 Ways ~ Standing (hams) & Upward (bis)
  • Trunk Twist (core) Curtsy Lunges (legs)
  • Ab-duction (inner thighswaistline)

CHEERS to ALL of our service men and women in uniform who’ve

  • fought for our freedom, both in the States and overseas
  • bled for our country, earning themselves the Purple Heart
  • died for those freedoms, earning themselves the Flag

 as well as ALL of our military families who experience the sacrifice.

Thank you, GOD, the Saints and the Angels for watching over us!!!

Fitness & Foodie Friday: Health or Treat? Nooky Quickie

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Fitness Friday, Foodie Friday, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Yours Truly on 10/30/2015 at 09:00

While trick-or-treaters may be house-hopping and candy-popping this weekend, I’ll continue consuming my healthy supplements on the ☼daily!

Ginkgo Biloba: to promote mental focus


Centrum VitaMints®: to aquire essential nutrients in a tasty way


  • I’ve come a long way since my childhood Flinstones chewables ~ which I doubt are the best bet for my teeth with the acidity
  • I’m still not a fan of swallowing tablets without having water and food in handy
  • Therefore, I’m all about double-duty of fulfilling my ☼daily☼ needs while freshening my breath!

Of course, I don’t skimp on the actual food that I need to fuel my brain and body ~ which I’m actually including in an analogy between my marathon and my main statistical method (multiple regression) for my doc research!

Pumpkin Trail Mix

Study Mode Trail Mix: Since almonds helped my bod during my 26.2-mi. course and my mind through my dissertation process, they were the main feature of this snack combo for the crunch + the Pumpkin Spice flavor along with the pumpkin cookies & candy, as well as more chocolate to cover these Brookside blueberries that also benefit the memory!

Study Mode Trail Mix: Since almonds helped my bod during my 26.2-mi. course and my mind through my dissertation process, they were the main feature of this snack combo for the crunch + the Pumpkin Spice flavor along with the pumpkin cookies & candy, as well as more chocolate to cover these Brookside blueberries that also benefit the memory!

Speaking of my race, although I haven’t run as many long distances in awhile, I’ve fit in mini drills to keep my energy levels high while I’ve been drained from my dissertation, a.k.a., my doc docs …

During my dedicated eating time (yes, I must make a meal break away from my computer, according to my Bestie Evie‘s birthday advice), I actually HIIT before I sit!


Olive Garden Leftovers from Ladies’ Night with the Holy Spiri† (counter-clockwise from bottom right): Chicken Cacciatorie & Cheese Manicotti (2 of my fave entrées rolled into 1) • Pasta e Fagioli w/ breadstick • MinestroneBestie Evie‘s Better-Than-Sex BrowniePumpkin Cheesecake (which took me 4 days to finish!) • Andes Mints ~ gotta ♥love♥ these after-dinner chocolate mints to cap off a classic OG meal!

While I wait for my chow to cook ~ simmering in the crock pot, boiling on the stove, or nooking in the oven/microwave/toaster ~ I do the following quick set(s), to induce more calorie-burning even after I’m done exercising:

Standing ♥Cardio♥

Floor/Mat/Carpet Core

More ♥Cardio♥

  • Dance ’til your ♥heart’s ♪content♫ ~ or your grub is ready


Relieve those muscles after sitting at the computer desk and before sitting down to eat

Happy Early Halloween, All †Saints’ Day y el Día de los Muertos! ✌