
Posts Tagged ‘tone up’

Fitness & Foodie Friday: Health or Treat? Nooky Quickie

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Fitness Friday, Foodie Friday, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Yours Truly on 10/30/2015 at 09:00

While trick-or-treaters may be house-hopping and candy-popping this weekend, I’ll continue consuming my healthy supplements on the ☼daily!

Ginkgo Biloba: to promote mental focus


Centrum VitaMints®: to aquire essential nutrients in a tasty way


  • I’ve come a long way since my childhood Flinstones chewables ~ which I doubt are the best bet for my teeth with the acidity
  • I’m still not a fan of swallowing tablets without having water and food in handy
  • Therefore, I’m all about double-duty of fulfilling my ☼daily☼ needs while freshening my breath!

Of course, I don’t skimp on the actual food that I need to fuel my brain and body ~ which I’m actually including in an analogy between my marathon and my main statistical method (multiple regression) for my doc research!

Pumpkin Trail Mix

Study Mode Trail Mix: Since almonds helped my bod during my 26.2-mi. course and my mind through my dissertation process, they were the main feature of this snack combo for the crunch + the Pumpkin Spice flavor along with the pumpkin cookies & candy, as well as more chocolate to cover these Brookside blueberries that also benefit the memory!

Study Mode Trail Mix: Since almonds helped my bod during my 26.2-mi. course and my mind through my dissertation process, they were the main feature of this snack combo for the crunch + the Pumpkin Spice flavor along with the pumpkin cookies & candy, as well as more chocolate to cover these Brookside blueberries that also benefit the memory!

Speaking of my race, although I haven’t run as many long distances in awhile, I’ve fit in mini drills to keep my energy levels high while I’ve been drained from my dissertation, a.k.a., my doc docs …

During my dedicated eating time (yes, I must make a meal break away from my computer, according to my Bestie Evie‘s birthday advice), I actually HIIT before I sit!


Olive Garden Leftovers from Ladies’ Night with the Holy Spiri† (counter-clockwise from bottom right): Chicken Cacciatorie & Cheese Manicotti (2 of my fave entrées rolled into 1) • Pasta e Fagioli w/ breadstick • MinestroneBestie Evie‘s Better-Than-Sex BrowniePumpkin Cheesecake (which took me 4 days to finish!) • Andes Mints ~ gotta ♥love♥ these after-dinner chocolate mints to cap off a classic OG meal!

While I wait for my chow to cook ~ simmering in the crock pot, boiling on the stove, or nooking in the oven/microwave/toaster ~ I do the following quick set(s), to induce more calorie-burning even after I’m done exercising:

Standing ♥Cardio♥

Floor/Mat/Carpet Core

More ♥Cardio♥

  • Dance ’til your ♥heart’s ♪content♫ ~ or your grub is ready


Relieve those muscles after sitting at the computer desk and before sitting down to eat

Happy Early Halloween, All †Saints’ Day y el Día de los Muertos! ✌

Fitness Friday: Buddy System

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Fitness Friday, Health, Home Sweet Home, Public Interest, Relationships, Travel, Weekly Wonders, Yours Truly on 10/09/2015 at 15:15

I picked up this month’s Seventeen magazine to see Belinda Selene, but was in for a double-extra treat:


Courtesy Seventeen magazine

Another TIU! routine on-the-scene!


Courtesy Seventeen magazine

 Having exercise partners gives us added boosts of motivation and energy!


Courtesy Seventeen magazine

K&K have come a long way since I featured them back in the day!

Sunday Fun Day: B is for …

In ♥ & Soul, Beauty Tuesday, Community, Fitness Friday, Foodie Friday, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Manic Monday, Mixer Monday, Motivational Monday, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sunday Fun Day, Technology, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Workout Wednesday, Yours Truly on 07/26/2015 at 08:00

As applies to yours truly:

BrainsBrawn / Buff Bod / Beast + BeautyBadace♠!

Add this comic relief to the mix:

So, B also is for Beer!

Above, this “expert” brings up valid points!

Workout while getting dolled up!

  • Lunges & squats while blowdrying my hair {1 set = 1 stance}
  • Curls: hold dumbbell and work bicep toward you with one hand, hold curling iron and style hair with the other! {1 set = 1 strand}
  • Extensions: hold dumbbell and work tricep behind your head with one hand, hold mascara wand and extend lashes with the other!
  • Abs: lay on mat/soft surface and lift legs with core and lower back while keeping arms at your side to dry your nails!

No brainer, am I right?

Moving Makeup

Makeup moves WON’T work in a car if you must hold up your phone/mirror/compact with your other hand {as a passenger ~ NOT while you’re behind the wheel}

Seriously, though, you may not want to try this at home unless you’re extremely coordinated and can master multi-tasking!

We workers and scholars all can witness our fitness at our desks ~ which I’ve had my students do during long class breaks:

  • Neck rolls clockwise and counter-clockwise
  • Shoulder rolls forward and backward
  • Arm circles forward and backward
  • Leg extensions (quads) while seated
  • Leg curls (hams) while standing
  • Stretches ~ to ease ergonomic tension
  • Jumping Jacks ~ for ♥cardio♥ to bring the blood flow to the brain



S is for … ☼Sunday☼ Sippy Selfie Somewhat Throwback: South Padre Island for my homecoming en el Valle! ¡Salud!

So, I suggest the second series during study sessions and when you tune into your TV!

#NOexcuses + #NOcouchPotatos = #NOflabTaters


S is for … Sippy Selfie ☼Summertime☼ Sappiness Somewhat Throwback Thursday: Mango Paleta at Zoo on Field Trip with my ☼Summer☼ Speech *Superstar* Students!

For me, my peak-of-summer☼ primetime shows (new episodes all air at 8PM Central time) ~ during which I can do these sets of moves ~ include

  • Sunday: Beach Flip (HGTV)
  • Monday: Devious Maids (Lifetime)
  • Wednesday: Property BrothersBrother vs. BrotherBuying + $elling (HGTV)
  • Thursday: Mistresses (ABC)

Fitness Friday: Sun Guns

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Fitness Friday, Health, Home Sweet Home, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workout Wednesday, Yours Truly on 07/03/2015 at 10:00

☼Sun☼ Up, Guns Up!

No, I’m NOT talking about arming ourselves with ammo ~ despite the recent open carry law in my state (that caused controversy and healthy debate among my ☼summer☼ speech students)

Elaine the Sharpshooter

I don’t shoot at moving targets ~ simply for sport!

but I do mean business when it comes to our arms!

Since we’re baring more skin in the ☼summer☼ heat, we want to be eye candy, am I right?

Here are some moves to take your company to a gun show!

Arm Yourself in the Gun Show Scene with this Routine

[with bodyweight ~ shoot for 10 per set]

  • Standard Pushups {wide grip for shoulders}
  • Diamond Pushups {narrow grip for triceps}

[with weight resistance ~ 2-3×10-12 heavy or 2-3×15-60 light]

  • Chest Flies {to firm up our pectorals to reduce unsightly armpit fat} ~ holding weights directly in front of your chest, push outward to your sides
  • Shoulder Raises ~ holding weights at each shoulder, raise directly above your head
  • Bicep Curls ~ holding weights at 45* facing you, curl toward you; I recommend variations from in front of you to your sides to create a “W”
  • Tricep Press ~ holding weights at your side with arm hinged, press behind you

Bonus Baby Back

  • Renegade Row ~ from plank with weight in one hand, bring up to chest level
  • Lateral Pulldown ~ while seated at the bench, bring arms up to hanging bar with arms facing forward, pull down to chest level

Even when you’re not in beast mode, or getting ready for a major event or a special somebody

Happy Independence Day to the Great U*S of *A!!!

Workout Wednesday: Beast Mom Mode ~ Go for Prego!

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Health, Home Sweet Home, Public Interest, Relationships, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workout Wednesday, Yours Truly on 07/01/2015 at 12:00

With many of my special loved ones being moms or mommies-to-be, they’re not just “eating for 2” (or more) ~ they’re also exercising for multiples as well!

Pretty Fit Mama2b

Take care of your baby bump by working out with your bundle of joy(s) while s/he’s/they’re in the womb!

Here are ways to stay in shape while* you’re expecting and after** you give birth!


I didn’t need much muscle to handle my *USAF* wife bestie’s baby (whose birthday is the day before the *4th of July*), but at least my arm muscles were toned right down to the bone! #DISPObustAFlow

***DISCLAIMER: Please consult with your physician prior to starting an exercise program***

Here are some sessions that I selected specifically for *pregnant women and **newborn mothers!

*Prenatal Routines & Tips

Sweat with Lauren Hefez‘s Bun in the Oven Series

POPSUGAR Fitness‘ Arm Workout ~ Safe for Pregnancy

POPSUGAR Fitness‘ Prenatal Leg & Butt *Squat It Out*

Tracey Anderson‘s Toned Butt c/o POPSUGAR Fitness

POPSUGAR Fitness‘ Heidi Klum Pregnancy Workout

Debra Geymayr‘s Prenatal Yoga

POPSUGAR Fitness‘ Workout in Comfort with Maternity Gear {not an exercise video but may be helpful in picking out clothes}

**Postpartum Moves

Sarah Fit‘s Flat Post-Prego Tummy

CONGRATULATIONS on Your New Additions, Babies’ Mamas!!!

Workout Wednesday: Wedding Season Shape & More!

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Workout Wednesday, Yours Truly on 06/24/2015 at 08:25

HBD to my Uncle Dr. Rudy!!!

When my Tito’s daughter/my oldest cousin, Melissa, got married (exactly 12 years and two months ago today and exactly two weeks after I graduated from McMurry), I spent the ☼morning☼ of her nuptials running in the Maryland rain!

Ate Mel's Wedding

Wayback Wednesday: I can’t believe that back then, I thought that ruching made me look fat ~ it looks fab#PrettyInPink

Those  were the days when I didn’t have to ~ as Milli Vanilli (whose ½ of the duo would’ve turned the BiG 5-0 almost three weeks ago) would ♪sing♪ (or lip-sync) ~ ♫Blame It On the Rain♫ … BEFORE my crazy cold after I chilled on the chili Corpus Christi beach during my business trip.

Even though I myself am NOT a bride, that isn’t stopping me from wanting to stay in shape during wedding season, and most of all, when I defend my dissertation and graduate this fall. Check out my fave fit babes‘ workouts to get wedding-ready for those of you who are about to walk down the aisle or have another important upcoming event:

Recent Wedding Collab to be Bride-Fab ~ The Bridal Bootcamp Collaboration [c/o Kin Community]

Wayback Wednesday Wedding Workouts

Happy Training, Brides-to-Be!!!


As I work on my stats scoring manual, the timing couldn’t have been better as this special delivery arrives to my door …

Doc grad regalia

Dr. D, here I come! {Final reveal as we finish 2015 strong}

My Doctor graduation regalia!

Doc regalia

All the pieces together … They’ll all fall into place as long as I finish this chase/complete this race & keep a happy face! #FutureDoc #DISPObustAFlow

I must be as excited as a blushing bride because I just received the gown that I’m wearing on my BiG Day!

Speaking of weddings, check out this ^– one –^ of the HAPA who ♪sang♪ the feature ♫track♫ from WFP‘s Everything Before Us

Workout Wednesday: Prayer Pose

In Community, Fitness Friday, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Workout Wednesday, Yours Truly on 05/20/2015 at 12:50

Maligayang Bati. Mami Aya! * HBD, Nurse Nanay

In spirit of the recent Church💒 Sacraments (including my students’ First Communion and Confirmation), how about we put prayer into practice in our workout routines? 

I propose the 🙏Prayer Pose: place palms together in front of your chest, with your elbows bent at 45*

Here are lower bod and midsection moves that you can do in Prayer Pose (as opposed yet similar to Tree🌳 Pose) while standing and maintaining your balance …
During each rep, say something that you’re grateful for👏 (THANKSgiving prayers) or say a full☝️ prayer during a set✌️
3 sets of 12-15 reps
🙏Squats (as opposed to Prisoner👮 Position with hands behind your head): alternate stances between sets ~ wide/plié • narrow • shoulder width ~ drop low [legs]
🙏Lunges (as opposed to Warrior⛺️ yoga🌅 poses): extend one leg in front of you with knee bent at 90* and stretch other leg straight behind you then drop it down
🙏Calf Raises: alternate toe-point directions between sets ~ facing each other • facing forward • facing outward ~ start on tippy toes than lower to balls of feet👣 (calves)
🙏Abductors: with both legs together and toes facing forward, raise one leg outward to hip level; repeat on the other side after each set [inner thighs]
🙏Extensions: with both legs together and toes facing forward, raise one leg forward to hip level; repeat on the other side after each set [quadriceps]
🙏Elevated Curls: with both legs together and toes facing forward, raise one leg backward while bending the knee at 90*; repeat on the other side after each set [hamstrings]
🙏Bun Press: with both legs together and toes facing forward, raise one leg straight backward; repeat on the other side after each set [glutes]
🙏Knee Raises: draw one knee at a time up toward your chest [legs and core]
🙏Trunk Twists: turn your torso to the left, then to the right for one rep [core]

More bonus🌠 moves while laying on a clean, flat surface …

🙏Pray-Ups (as opposed to Pistol🔫 Pose): on your back, with palms together in prayer pose and legs extended straight out, tuck tummy in while bringing arms and legs together [core]

🙏Laying Curls: on your belly, with palms together in prayer pose and knees bent, curl legs behind you [hams]

And another 1 …

🙏Pray Raise (as opposed to Pistol🔫 Pose): either standing or sitting, lift arms up in prayer [chest]

Workout Wednesday: Beautify Your Thighs!

In ♥ & Soul, Beauty Tuesday, Community, Health, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Technology, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Workout Wednesday, Yours Truly on 04/01/2015 at 10:00

Happy April Fools’ Day! Rather than joke and be broke (can’t quit my day job), how about I share the wealth of health?

While styling your hair, you might as well knock multiple birds ~ or in this case, leg muscles ~ with one stone and be bad to the bone* and rock solid!

10-20 reps while you heat-dry or iron each section:

  • squats (alternate sets of narrow, wide, plié)
  • lunges (sets of the same leg, then switch)
  • glute lifts (alternate between each leg)
  • knee raises (alternate between each leg)
  • thigh raises (sets of the same leg then switch)
  • calf raises (both legs at the same time)

Your thighs look like sweet potato pies!

That was a line from my fellow trainer‘s brand-spankin’ new single, 1994

This jam makes me want to dance ~ so now I can get my ♥cardio♥ on!

* #DISPObustAFlow

Workout Wednesday: Chops to Get Cut

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Health, Home Sweet Home, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Travel, Weekly Wonders, Workout Wednesday, Yours Truly on 03/04/2015 at 10:00

Have you ever chopped wood before?

My brother in †CHRIST†, Joe, says that he got a great workout from it growing up.

We who aren’t lumberjacks, like Paul Bunyan or my bro-in-law, still can reap the benefits of slicing and dicing …

Shake Weight


At least with going with the motions!

With legs slightly bent, bring your hands together, sweep upward then diagonally down while turning your core.

Therefore, you’re working out your arms and more: lunging with your legs, as well as trimming your waistline

Interesting timing that my hometown just had an incident involving ax violence. I wrote this before hearing that news and by no means condone aerobic activity for crime. Best wishes for the victim and hopes for the suspect’s repent. 

Fitness Friday: V-Mode

In ♥ & Soul, Community, Fitness Friday, Foodie Friday, Health, Higher Ed, Home Sweet Home, Pro-DiSPO, Public Interest, Relationships, Sports, Technology, Travel, Weekly Wonders, What's Hot, Workin' Woman, Yours Truly on 02/06/2015 at 16:30

After this Super Bowl Week’s YOLOs and spirits, it’s time to prep for ♥V-Day♥

Therefore, today, this DISPO has gone Beast Mode for V-Mode on this ♥Sweetheart♥ Ball Eve!

As tomorrow’s dinner approaches, I’ve been working out to my fave fitness gurus in their special dance dress moves:

Total Bod

{More from Cassey Ho below}

Target Areas


What about *Dallas Cowboys’ WR Dez Bryant’s* hard core abs?

My reward after these routines: my homemade ice cream!

  • Bananas for Potassium

I’m going berry bananas over my homemade Cookie Butter ice cream!

  • Blueberries for Memory

C & B are for … Cape Cod cranberries + blueberries & Crunchy Cookie Butter w/ B-A-N-A-N-A-S {chant from No Doubt‘s ♫Hollaback♪}

  • Cranberries for Urinary Tract (YES, after drinking tons of water, it helps!)

Super Spoonful coming right up!

    • Crunchy Cookie Butter for Taste & Texture
